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Planning Board Minutes 08/05/04


Minutes of the August 5, 2004 meeting

Members present:

Bob Bethel              Scott Burnside          Bob Edwards
Spencer Garrett Mike Oldershaw  Ed Rowehl
Dan Valley      

Members absent:

        Fred Anderson

Public attendees:

        Gregg Perry             Alexander Snow  Carol Snow
        Richard Block           Harold Webber   Carole Webber
        Bonnie Dubrino  Jen Mangieri            Tom Mangieri
        Amy Zaluki-Stone        Nancy Baker             Jon Buschbaum
        Anthony Rosario Carole Rosario  Mark Fernald
        Charles Zimmerman

Chairman Rowehl opened the meeting at 7:00 PM by introducing the Board members and designating Mr. Edwards to sit for Mr. Anderson. The Board again continued the public hearings for the Bouchers and Proctors until September 2, 2004 because the applicants had not submitted new information for consideration. The next order of business was the continuation of the public hearing on the request by Jon C. Buschbaum for a major site plan review under Article V par. B.1.ll to conduct a light manufacturing business which would be located on the south side of Route 9, Antrim, NH 03440, Tax Map 8D, Lot 3 in the Highway Business District. The applicant proposes to manufacture forest products such as logs, pulp and firewood.

Mr. Buschbaum presented new drawings that included a vicinity sketch and contour lines. He also presented a letter from Jeffrey A. Evans, a certified wetland scientist; License #105, stipulating that Mr. Buschbaum had correctly delineated the wetlands shown on the plot plan based on current standards of practice within the State of New Hampshire. Mr. Buschbaum stated that a recent newspaper article that cited concerns of the abutters troubled him. He felt that it would be advisable to restate his plans to develop the property. He said that there would actually be two phases to the development. The first stage would be to clear and prepare the area noted on the plat that would be used for the operation of the sawmill. He felt that it could take anywhere from three to five years to complete this phase. During this phase Mr. Buschbaum would be cutting the lumber to be used in the construction of the building which would be used to house the saw. Mr. Buschbaum pointed out that the rate of development would be controlled by financial considerations. It was his intention during phase one to mill some lumber and process some firewood. He was concerned that it would be difficult to abide by strict operational hours during the phase one construction. He explained that the nature of the logging business is weather dependant, which makes it difficult to control the exact arrival of logging trucks and that he needs some latitude in the hours of operation. He did point out that the mill would not be on the property until the site had been prepared. He felt that when the mill was up and running, deliveries would mostly conform to the hours of operation except for occasional emergencies. Mr. Buschbaum felt that he should have flexible operating hours and be allowed to operate on Saturdays, especially during the construction phase. Mr. Oldershaw suggested hours of operation to be 7 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday and 7 AM to 12 PM on Saturdays. Mr. Buschbaum felt this would be acceptable providing there was a provision to occasionally accept trucks outside of these hours.  He noted that once the mill was fully operational he would be willing to appear before the Board to renegotiate the operating hours. In response to a question about the number of employees, Mr. Buschbaum felt that he probably would not have more than one during phase one. Mr. Buschbaum said that he would be willing to come before the Board again to establish a new set of operating hours and the number of trucks per day when he is ready to staff up and operate the mill full time.

Mr. Rowehl asked for public comments. Mr. Snow felt that five days a week was sufficient. Mr. Block read a letter dated August 5, 2004 (which is in Planning Board file # 2004-11PB) expressing concerns about the effect of excessive noise on the abutters. Mr. Mangieri felt that the disposal of sawdust had not been adequately addressed. He was concerned about the informality of the proposed plan and felt that a certified engineer should approve the plan and the site reviewed by persons with skills in the proposed use. He also felt that the use of a porta potty was not appropriate and that the sanitary facilities were not adequate to serve public clientele that may wish to purchase firewood. He also felt that a professional engineer should approve the drainage system for water runoff. Ms. Zaluki-Stone felt that a traffic study should be performed and that the Police Chief should comment on safety considerations. Mr. Oldershaw noted that the NH DOT had granted a driveway permit and in the process of granting the permit they take into consideration the matter of safety. Ms. Zaluki-Stone was also concerned about the devaluation of the surrounding property. Mr. Oldershaw stated that SWRPC would be assisting in the site review and they would comment on the concerns expressed above. Mark Fernald, an attorney representing one of the abutters stated that he had reviewed the site plan and felt that the proposed use would have an impact on the neighbors regarding noise, erosion and traffic. He felt that the application and resulting decisions should be clearly documented. He raised questions of procedure as far as approving the drainage plan, the clearing of the land, and an erosion control plan based on a 50-year storm. He pointed out that there were no provisions for hay bales or erosion control. He claimed that the site plan review regulations require a state approved septic system for a development and NH law requires sanitary facilities that would require water per RSA 277:10. Mr. Fernald also felt that the setback lines from the wetlands should be shown.

Mr. Oldershaw asked Mr. Buschbaum to flag and delineate the area that would be cleared in preparation of the site review. A number of abutters expressed a desire to participate in the site review. The secretary stated that he would notify all abutters of the site review date as well as anyone else who expressed an interest in attending and he would put a public notice in the newspaper. Mr. Rowehl continued the public hearing until September 2, 2004.

Mr. Rowehl then opened the public hearing on the request by Anthony & Carol Rosario, d.b.a. T/C Storage, for a Minor Site Plan Review under Article V par. B.w. for property located at 5 Contoocook Valley Ave., Antrim, NH 03440 Tax Map 1C, Lot 199 in the Highway Business District. The applicants propose to construct a third mini storage building that exceeds the original site plan approval by 600 square feet. Ms. Rosario presented a revised plot plan showing the expansion of the building by 30’ to 150’. The Board reviewed the plans and the consensus was that the expansion of the building had no adverse affect on the site. Ms. Rosario also provided a copy of the contract used with tenants that covered the handling of hazardous waste and she said that the conduit had been put in for a phone and they were just waiting for power for the installation. Mr. Oldershaw moved to accept the application of Carole & Anthony Rosario d.b.a. T/C Storage File # 2004-18PB to extend a previously approved storage building an additional 20’ for property located at 5 Contoocook Valley Ave., Antrim, NH, Tax Map 1C Lot 199 located in the Highway Business District. Mr. Edwards seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Bethel – aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Mr. Edwards – aye, Mr. Garrett – aye, Mr. Oldershaw – aye, Mr. Valley. – aye

There being no further discussion, Mr. Bethel moved to approve the application of Carole & Anthony Rosario d.b.a. T/C Storage File # 2004-18PB, to extend a previously approved storage building an additional 20’ for property located at 5 Contoocook Valley Ave., Antrim, NH, Tax Map 1C Lot 199 located in the Highway Business District. The following conditions apply:

Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated August 5, 2004 as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alterations and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.

Mr. Edwards seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Bethel – aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Mr. Edwards – aye, Mr. Garrett – aye, Mr. Oldershaw – aye, Mr. Valley. – aye.

The next order of business was a public hearing on the request by Thomas & Mary Meyers, d.b.a. The Field School, for a Change of Use for property located at 163 Old Hancock Road, Antrim, NH 03440 Tax Map 2, Lot 78 in the Rural District. The applicant proposes to increase the capacity of the school to a maximum of 21 students by utilizing a portion of the home at 163 Old Hancock Road. Mr. Meyers explained that the Field School had been in operation for two years. It previously had planning board approval for 12 students. Eight students were currently registered. They have determined that it is necessary for the school to expand so it can fund itself and to do so they would need approval for 21 students. In order to handle the increased capacity they need more space and would like to conduct some classes in a room in the main house that is on the same property. The size of the room is approximately 500 square feet and is within 1,000 feet of the existing school building. They have hired another teacher to assist in the expansion. Mr. Webber, an abutter said he was pleased with the work of the school, felt that it filled a definite need and that the application should be approved. No one spoke in opposition to the application. Mr. Burnside felt that the expansion should have the approval of the fire department. Mr. Meyers said that they had discussed the requirements with the fire chief when the school was opened and they would seek his council with the expansion. He also noted that there are certain State requirements that must be met for the operation of a school facility that they will abide by. When asked about bathroom facilities in the house, Mr. Meyers said they were in the floor above the proposed classroom. A review of the plot plan provided indicated that there would be adequate parking. Mr. Oldershaw moved to accept the application of Mary & Thomas Meyers File # 2004-17PB for a change of use for property located at 159 Old Hancock Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 2A Lots 78 & 80 located in the Rural District. The applicant proposes to expand the Field School into the residential building. Mr. Burnside seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Bethel – aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Mr. Edwards – aye, Mr. Garrett – aye, Mr. Oldershaw – aye, Mr. Valley. – aye.

There being no future discussion, Mr. Bethel moved to approve the application of Mary & Thomas Meyers File # 2004-17PB for a change of use for property located at 159 Old Hancock Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 2A Lots 78 & 80 located in the Rural District. The applicant proposes to expand the Field School into the residential building.

The following conditions apply to this approval:

Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated August 5, 2004 as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alterations and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
The applicant is to submit a letter from the fire chief certifying the room as suitable for student activities.

Mr. Burnside seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Bethel – aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Mr. Edwards – aye, Mr. Garrett – aye, Mr. Oldershaw – aye, Mr. Valley. – aye.

Mr. Rowehl then opened the public hearing on the request by Charles & Ellena Zimmerman for an Excavation Site Permit. The applicant proposes to reactivate an excavation site on Willard Pond Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 3, Lot 49 in the Rural Conservation District. Mr. Zimmerman explained that the property had been an excavation site since 1950. It was his intention to close out the operation and reclaim the site but it was necessary to reapply for a permit to operate, as he would be removing material from the site. He estimated that the reclamation of the site could take up to five years. Mr. Zimmerman presented a rough sketch showing the layout of the site and photographs that were keyed to specific locations. He also presented a portion of a survey showing the current contour lines across the property. It was his plan to regrade the property to be mostly level. There was some discussion regarding the proposed reclamation and the members then reviewed the checklist. They felt that the application was not complete and that Mr. Zimmerman needed to supply the following information:

Contour lies should be shown on the full size drawing provided by Mr. McKinney
Item 7 on the checklist should be complied with
Item 8 on the checklist should be complied with
Item 10 on the checklist should be complied with
Item 15 on the checklist should be complied with
The wells and septic system on lot 5 should be designated
A sketch showing the contour of the proposed driveway into the property.

Mr. Ward, an abutter since 1969 asked to speak. He said that he respects the right to operate the site to restore the area and is not against it. There is a question regarding one of the property lines and he is working this out with the surveyor and Mr. Bill Weston. He acknowledges this dispute is not in the jurisdiction of the planning board. He did stipulate that he wants it on the record that he is a disapproving abutter, thus limiting excavation to within 50’ of his property lines. Mr. Rowehl continued the public hearing until September 2, 2004.

Mr. Edwards moved to accept the minutes of the July 15, 2004 meeting as corrected. Mr. Garrett seconded the motion that was passed.

The secretary reported that he had some information for the capital improvement plan from the library but it required clarification. He said that he had not had a response to his request for information from the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Oldershaw said he should ask for assistance from the town administrator to obtain this information.

A copy of the minutes of the August 2, 2004 selectmen’s meeting was reviewed wherein the decision was made to reclassify a portion of Ashley Road to Class V to permit subdivision for Mr. & Mrs. Lauber. Information was provided regarding a PSNH transmission line upgrade from Route 31 to the Stoddard town line south of the Route 9 corridor, an Open Space and Nature Lecture Series, and the Fall Planning and Zoning Conference scheduled for October 30, 2004. Copies of code violations letters sent to Messrs. Tirrell and Brissette were presented.

The members then considered the classification of lot 200, map 1C. After some discussion it was the consensus that this lot should be classified as highway business district and the master zoning district map was in error. The secretary was instructed to correct the map.

The secretary reported that he had not been able to devote any time to revise the current ordinance for cluster housing. The subject of establishing a citizens committee to work on ordinances was discussed. Mr. Rowehl proposed the name of two citizens he felt would be willing to work on such a committee. The consensus was that one member of the board should either head up such a committee or act as liaison. The members were presented with e-mail from Mr. Edwards expressing his thoughts on the functioning of the planning board. It was decided that the secretary and chairman would get together and see if they can come up with a program to address the matter of town planning and the continual review of ordinances and regulations.

There being no further business, Mr. Oldershaw moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Valley seconded the motion, which passed. Mr. Rowehl adjourned the meeting at 10:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board